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Q & A

What will the tax impact be for residents 65 years and older?

It is important to remember that residents 65 years and older will NOT see a tax impact, as their school taxes are frozen at age 65.

What will the tax impact be for Bartlett ISD tax payers?

For a $100,000-dollar home in Bartlett the tax impact would be $13.75 per month. For a 200-acre tract of Ag Exempt land, in Bartlett, the tax impact would be $55 per year or $4.58 per month. 

 What areas of facilities will this impact?

The facilities impacted will be secure entry points into the school, renovated P.E. facilities, renovated bathrooms, additional classroom space, fixing foundational slab issues, expanded cafeteria space and stage renovation, new Ag shop and Family Consumer Science facility, old middle school renovations to fully utilize classrooms, lights for softball baseball fields, athletic locker room renovations, a new track.